Max Euwe Plein in Amsterdam

Max Euwe Plein

Max Euwe Plein is a public square located in the heart of Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is named after Max Euwe, a Dutch chess grandmaster and former World Chess Champion. The square is situated near several notable landmarks, including the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, and the Concertgebouw.

For tourists visiting Amsterdam, Max Euwe Plein is a great location to explore the city's rich culture and history. The square is a popular gathering place for locals and visitors alike and offers a variety of restaurants, cafes, and shops. Additionally, the square is home to several street performers, making it a vibrant and lively place to visit.

One of the main attractions of Max Euwe Plein is the Max Euwe Center, which is a museum dedicated to the history of chess and the life of Max Euwe. The museum features a collection of chessboards, pieces, and other chess-related memorabilia. Visitors can also play chess on one of the many chessboards available at the museum. 

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