La Maison du Bootlegger in Notre-Dame-des-Monts

110. Rang ruisseau des frenes

La Maison du Bootlegger in Notre-Dame-des-Monts, Canada, offers a fascinating journey back to the Prohibition era of the 1920s. Housed within a conventional-looking 19th-century farmhouse, this unexpected venue unveils the captivating story of an American bootlegger who surreptitiously modified the building to evade the morality squad. Visitors can explore the marvel of secret doorways and hidden chambers designed to protect the illicit activities of the bootlegger. The historical significance of this location lies in its preservation of the clandestine elixir of prohibition-era spirits, meticulously infused with local history. The site also hosts a party restaurant from 6pm, where meat feasts are accompanied by Al Capone beer served in boot-shaped glasses. Additionally, from 9:30pm, guests can enjoy boisterous entertainment provided by Joey Tardif et Le Bootlegger House Band. Beyond its historical narrative, La Maison du Bootlegger in Notre-Dame-des-Monts offers a unique architectural and cultural experience. The farmhouse's construction techniques and engineering feats from the 19th century are on display, providing insight into the architectural style of the time. The site's symbolic significance is enhanced by its preservation of local stories and legends associated with the Prohibition period. Accessibility and visitor information can be obtained for those interested in joining the interactive tours that allow visitors to engage with history. The site's aim is to not only preserve the historical background but also to provide hands-on learning experiences and interactive exhibits for guests to immerse themselves in the intriguing story of the American bootlegger and the Prohibition era. For tourists, a visit to La Maison du Bootlegger is an opportunity to engage with the unique history and culture of Notre-Dame-des-Monts. With its captivating haven celebrating the clandestine elixir of prohibition-era spirits, the location offers an educational and entertaining experience. Visitors can also witness the preservation efforts and restoration projects that ensure the site's historical significance is maintained for future generations to explore and enjoy. Whether participating in interactive tours or enjoying the boisterous entertainment, guests can engage with the history and cultural events related to this remarkable location.

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